Due to an error in Lifetouch’s email system, RHMS parents mistakenly received information from Lifetouch that stated the Spring Pictures were being held this Thursday, January 16. This information is incorrect. RHMS Spring Pictures are scheduled for March 26th. Any parent who ordered pictures online will be refunded their money from Lifetouch.
Take a look at our 7th and 8th grade Archery club students, practicing their skills!
This Thursday, January 16th, all Band, Chorus and Orchestra students will be taking Fine Arts Pictures. Details have been emailed home by our Fine Arts Teachers.
Please note: School Wide Spring Pictures will be taken later in the semester. Spring pictures are not Thursday. If you have any questions about pictures, please contact Mrs. Bowden, our picture coordinator, at abowden@bryan.k12.ga.us.
Students will be administered the anonymous Georgia Student Health Survey. Student survey results, copies of the student survey questions, and parent opt-out forms are available on the Georgia Student Health Survey webpage at: https://www.gadoe.org/schoolsafetyclimate/GSHS-II/Pages/Georgia-Student-Health-Survey-II.aspx.
Track and Field informational meeting for students will be held in the gym on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:45. You must have an up-to-date physical and completed athletic registration form.
Both the boys and girls basketball teams won Thursday night to make it into the playoffs. Both teams will host the first round on Monday starting at 4:30. Please come out to the Wildcat Den on Monday to support the basketball teams. Students will get in free and can stay after school to attend the games.
All girls that are cleared for soccer conditioning/tryouts will be posted on the Soccer Webpage this Thursday Jan 9th. If your name is listed as not cleared come see Coach Yontzin room 612 to see what you are missing.
Students and staff are dressed in the holiday spirit and enjoying special treats, courtesy of our awesome Administrators! Added bonus? Student vs Faculty Basketball game!
STEM night is happening now at RHMS! Come out before 7:30 p.m. on 12/16/19 to see some incredible projects created by our talented students! More pics to come! #WildcatSTEM
Our RHMS Drama Club performed "Last Stop Till Christmas" on Friday, 12/13/19. Thank you to our Drama Club students and advisors for an entertaining night! Great Job! #WildcatDrama #WildcatsWin #WeAreRHMS
RHMS is hosting suicideTALK on 1/28/2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. SuicideTALK is an awareness training that focuses on building awareness and encouraging people to think about their attitudes regarding suicide, as well as what steps to take to make their community safer and more supportive.
Parents : The Bryan County Health Dept. will be here on Jan 09, 2020 to screen 6th and 8th graders for scoliosis. Please read the document at the link below. If you do not want your child to be screened, please complete the form and return it to the school. This form ONLY needs to be returned if you do NOT want your child screened. https://5il.co/bujh
RHMS would like to thank our community, students and staff for donating Legos during our Lego Drive for the children at Memorial Health. Kristen King, Manager of Child Life, recently sent a "Thank You", pointing out the importance of this tradition. "It is often hard to be in the hospital and even more challenging during the holidays. Legos are great activity we use all year long. We use Lego sets for birthdays, to bring to patients rooms who cannot come to the playroom, and our recreational areas. We appreciate your tradition this time of year and enjoy hearing from Mary about your incredible donation. May you all have a wonderful holiday and share our gratitude with all those involved."
Thank you Ms. Crippen for leading this Lego Drive each year. #WildcatsCare #WeAreRHMS
Our RHMS band performed Saturday for a large crowd of parents, teachers, and community members. We have some amazingly talented musicians! Thank you to our directors and musicians for the hours of practice that you put in so that we may enjoy beautiful holiday music. #WeAreRHMS #WildcatBand #WildcatsWin
IT'S TONIGHT!! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The RHMS Drama Club presents their winter production, Last Stop Till Christmas, on Friday, December 13th at 6:00pm on the gym stage. Tickets are $3.00.Please, come and support your RHMS Drama Club!
We hope to see you there!!
Parents :
The Bryan County Health Dept. will be here on Jan 09, 2020 to screen 6th and 8th graders for scoliosis. Please read the document at the link below. If you do not want your child to be screened, please complete the form and return it to the school. This form ONLY needs to be returned if you do NOT want your child screened.
RHMS hosted Celebrate the Arts on Tuesday, December 10th. We have many talented students, and were so impressed by their projects. Check out our Facebook Page for more highlights from the night! #CelebrateTheArts #WildcatsWin #WeAreRHMS
The Chess Club will meet on Tuesday, December 17th at 3:30 in Room 420. All skill levels are welcome. Please make sure you have a ride promptly at 4:30. We meet every other Tuesday. In January, we will meet again on January 14th! #WildcatChessClub #WeAreRHMS
Club 412 students, please check Google Classroom and sign up to bring items for Blessing Bags or Christmas Goodies. The last meeting for December is 12/10/19 at 7 am in the Media Center. We hope to see everyone at Club 412 this Friday!
The Student vs Faculty Basketball game is December 18th! Purchase tickets for a chance to play in the game! See flyer for details.