Congratulations to our BCMHS Lower School Spelling Bee Champion Cody Stewart! 🎉#ELITESpeller❤️🤍🖤 #BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Spelling Bee Champion
🥎Today was an ELITE day at BCHS! Congratulations to our girl, MACK Bailey, for signing today at Shawnee State University to play softball. ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC #OnceARedskin
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Softball Signing
Softball Signing
Softball Signing
Softball Signing
Today is an ELITE day at Bryan County High School! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Our girl, MACK Bailey, signed today with Shawnee State University to play softball! 🥎❤️🥎 #OnceARedskin #BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Join us at 12:00 for the BCMHS Lower School Spelling Bee🐝. The event will be live streamed via our YouTube channel. Here's the link 🖤🤍💗#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
🎞🍿Our 6th grade scholars enjoyed a fun field trip to Savannah yesterday! Students watched the movie ‘Encanto’ to finish up their study of Latin America and enjoyed lunch at the Oglethorpe Mall. Take a look at some pictures from the theater. ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Movie Time
Movie Time
Movie Time
Movie Time
🎉Our 6th grade scholars enjoyed a fun field trip to Savannah yesterday! Students watched the movie ‘Encanto’ to finish up their study of Latin America and enjoyed lunch at the Oglethorpe Mall. Here's some pictures from the Mall! ❤️🖤🤍#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Mall Time
Mall Time
Mall Time
Mall Time
Our SGA and 10th grade American Government class also spoke with a local non profit and chamber member Mrs. Smith from Combat boots to the Board Room, and wrapped up the day by enjoying lunch with a local business owner and chamber member. ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA along with students from our 10th grade American Gov.  class attend Grits and Government today at the Richmond Hill City center. We listened to some of our state and local representatives plans for Bryan County. ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA/AmGov Trip
SGA/AmGov Trip
Mrs. Adams' scholars have drawn a full architectural plan for a shed, and are now constructing a 3/4"=1' scale model of it. These young men really are building skills for the future. ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Building the Future
Building the Future
Building the Future
Building the Future
Dr. Shields' Early Childhood students gain valuable experience through our partnership with Bryan County Elementary School. 🧑‍🏫 #LoveTeaching ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Students in Ms. Chastain's Basic Agriculture class are learning about ruminant digestion and how the four compartments of a ruminant stomach feel using common household items. Animals with ruminant stomachs include 🐄cows, goats, 🦌deer, sheep, and many others. ❤️🖤🤍#BeBC
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Agriculture Education
Agriculture Education
Agriculture Education
Agriculture Education
👩‍🔬What's up? Projectile Motion experiments in Mrs. Alexander's Conceptual Physics class... That's What's Up! 👨‍🔬#Science! #BeBC ❤️🤍🖤
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Conceptual Physics - Projectile Motion
Conceptual Physics - Projectile Motion
Conceptual Physics - Projectile Motion
Conceptual Physics - Projectile Motion
Mrs. Lewis' Scholars fully engaged while working in teams on a vocabulary activity using Flashcard Factory by Pear Deck. 🧐#LearnSomethingEveryDay #BeBC ❤️🤍🖤
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Flashcard Factory
Flashcard Factory
Flashcard Factory
Flashcard Factory
Don't think it's just our Scholars that are feeling it... Our ELITE teachers are getting caught up in all the 🎊🎉Holiday Spirit 🎉🎊 as well. #BeBC ❤️🤍🖤
about 3 years ago, BCMHS
Christmas Spirit Wear
Christmas Spirit Wear
Christmas Spirit Wear
Christmas Spirit Wear
Check out our athletic weekly update. Come out and support our Redskins! Also, congrats to Avah Edgerton, Braylon Williams, Sara Williams, & Eli Westcott! These student athletes were selected by their coaches for their outstanding performance last week. #BeBC❤️🤍 #GoRedskins 🏀🤼
over 3 years ago, BCMHS
Update 12-13
🎉🎊Holiday Spirit coming out all over campus!🎊 🎉Here's some more pictures of our Elite Scholars excited for the coming days! #BeBC 🎁
over 3 years ago, BCMHS
Holiday Spirit
Holiday Spirit
Holiday Spirit
Holiday Spirit
Come out and support our Bryan County High Redskins 🏀basketball 🏀tonight as we take on the Claxton Tigers! Girls tip off at 6:00PM and boys at 7:30PM. #BeBC #GoRedskins
over 3 years ago, BCMHS
Starting 5
Starting 5
Can't hide our Redskin (or Holiday) Spirit. #BeBC #HappyHolidays 🎁🎊
over 3 years ago, BCMHS
Holiday Spirit
Imagine playing Soccer... but the ⚽️ball is 15 feet tall, and you're driving a car. 🏎That's a game called Rocket League. Check out our e-Sports team getting in the swing of Rocket League. ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC #GoREDSKINS
over 3 years ago, BCMHS
Rocket League
Rocket League
Rocket League